Thursday, September 30, 2010

Using Social Media to build your business

Do you throw a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks?  Well at least with advertising your business or your blog.  There are so many places to advertise on the web lets see we have:
  • Facebook - One of my favs a great way to connect with customers and friends.  I have my personal page and a fan page for my business and it is a great way to connect that doesn't cost me a dime.
  • Twitter -  Still have to admit I am learning this one.  But found that you can search what people are talking about.  So you can search your company name and keywords that relate to what you do.  See if anyone is talking and see if you can answer a question someone may have.
  • LinkedIn- This is great if you are looking to expand your business that is you want a downline.  This is not a place for selling any product.  They have a ton of groups you can join you can search keywords and see what comes up.  This is your professional listing this shows off the true business side that we have.  Oh and if you google my name this is one of the first things that shows up right on the first page.
  • MerchantCircle-  A free business listing!  You can create a store with pictures and coupons, blog posts and most important add links to your websites.  You can answer questions that people ask and gain exposure for your business.  Weekly business updates go out to all the businesses in your community.  What does that mean for you?  If you add a coupon or picture that will be sent out to all the businesses in an email.  The trick stop in at least once a week add something and you have FREE advertising.
  • Bloggy Moms Network-  I'm sure you have noticed the scroll on the left hand side.  That is a great little tool you sign up for FREE.  You get a page and you can customize it add stuff and make friends.  But the best part is you can add a Rockin Blog post simple you copy and past your blog post into the form and add it.  Then it will scroll in the pretty thing right there on every persons blog that has one of those great widgets.  What does that mean the possibility of thousands of people seeing your blog post just because you copied and pasted
  • BlogFrog Community-  On the same lines you can add your own community and start discussions and interact with other bloggers.  I have found alot of great people there that I follow you can find just about every type of person and blog you could ever want to read.  It is great to get your name out there and just meet people.
There are so many more that I could list.  I use these on a regular basis and have had alot of success.  You need to find what works for you don't try to spread yourself to thin.  You cannot be everywhere and you cannot be online all the time you need to get out and talk to people.  So if you are not seeing results from a forum or group move on and find one that works for you.

I would love to hear which sites you use... what has worked for you please share with us....


  1. I haven't heard of merchant circle before, thanks! I wrote it down to check out later.

  2. You are absolutly welcome Merchant Circle is a great one to try out. You can click on the Merchant Circle name in the post and go directly to my page so you can see what it looks like. Good luck and please stop by and tell me how it works for you.
    Thanks a bunch!

  3. Thanks for the informative post!

    I just found your blog through a Tuesday Blog Hop! Have a great evening!

    Amanda @

  4. Thanks for the follow. I'm following you back. Great info. I'm definitely checking back often! I hope you'll enter my Mommy of the Month Contest for November. You'll get an interview, blog button, and bio on my blog for a month plus a permanent spot in my MOM Wall of Fame.

    Get all the details at

    ~ Tiffany
