This post is a really simple one do not make your customers chase you down for information. Keep them informed on everything from specials to when their order will arrive. If a customer has to chase you down to order a product or to find out when it will be delivered they will not stick around.
Give them a timeline say you have a home party and you are going to keep the show open for outside orders for 3 days let them know that. I know my company has a pretty quick turnaround on orders so mine will usually ship within 3 days of placing the order. Shipping is around 4 to 5 days so I can give them an estimate and let them know it is just that.
Bottom line is make it easy for someone to do business with you. You are offering them a great service the ability to shop from home with a personal touch. I try to buy from other direct sellers as much as possible. So make it easy let me know when my stuff is going to be here please don't leave me hanging.
Remember word of mouth is your best advertising so make your customers happy and trust me they will make you happy.
I would love to hear your thoughts..... Do you buy from other direct sellers?
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